Archive for the ‘spiritual practices’ Category

Getting ready for fall

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

Sand Spirit Insight card #1

It doesn’t feel at all like fall yet in Tucson, but they tell us that the fall equinox is Wednesday, September 22. This marks the beginning of fall in the northern hemisphere. So I drew a Sand Spirit card, asking the question in the title: how do I best get ready for fall?

I drew card #1, which looks to me like a being who is very still and focused inside. I see the hands in prayer, and I see another being or energy in the lower right hand corner–perhaps another person or issue that is in the outer world. What do you see in this image?

This being tells me this is a good time for me to be focused inward, to remain calm and remember who I truly am. What does your image have to say to you?

Fall is a new beginning for many of us who grew accustomed to school beginning, and thus entering a “new year.” I used to buy day timers that went from September to September. Does a new chapter begin for you in fall?

I’ve recently gotten a little more interested in numerology and how it relates to the Sand Spirits. #1 is all about new beginnings. And September, being the 9th month, is all about completions, prior to October, being a #10, which reduces to a #1. So the message I get is, focus inside and find that still place, that place of reverence and prayer and solid ground–so that you can be calm as you complete things this month and prepare for new beginnings next month.

Finding the still place resonates with me, because I’m finishing the editing of the first of the seven lessons in my book, Flying Lessons. The first lesson is “Know Where You’re Going to Land.” It’s all about finding solid ground inside.

What is your safe landing space in life? Do you look to relationships? To your job? Do you have a still place inside that is there despite outer circumstances? Surely we all need this in times like these.

I wish for you that you see something inspiring in this message and that you use it to get yourself ready for fall, for new beginnings, and for strengthening that place within you that represents solid ground.

3 Ways to become an empowered feminine leader

Monday, May 10th, 2010

blue wave

Today there is a new wave of opportunity for women who want to become empowered, conscious, evolutionary leaders who make a difference. Teleclasses abound. Just google Integral Enlightment or Feminine Power or Conscious Evolutionaries and you’ll see.  In the meantime, here are 3 principles to think about and practice:

1. Nourish yourself. This means on the level of mind, body and spirit. These are not times for wimps. We need to be strong. Gentle warriors, standing in our truth. If we don’t take care of ourselves, what good will we be for anyone else? So what is your premium fuel? Fill that tank.

2.  Ride the wave. The wave in the photo is a wave of light, a photo projected on the wall of an imaginative San Diego restaurant. Light is nothing but energy. You are nothing but energy and light. So ride the big wave of light, the one other “en-lightened” beings ride. Jump on. Meditate, pray, do yoga, eat spinach or do whatever else helps you stay on. Ride the wave of light.

3. Bring out your soul’s gifts. If you don’t bring them out, what in the world are they for anyway? They are your “original medicine” and if you don’t bring them out, they could disappear forever. This is the moment. We are the ones. We need whatever you can offer. Remember what Jesus said (according to the Gnostic gospels): “If you bring out what is within you, what is within you will save you; if you do not bring out what is within you, what is within you will destroy you.” Sounds dramatic, but think about illness, crime and other tragedies. Could be as simple as this. Out. Into the world. Now.

The Dalai Lama said it best recently: “The western woman will save the world.” I guess it’s up to us. Let’s get started!


Tuesday, May 4th, 2010


Allow me to introduce my mother-in-law, Margaret, the weekend after her 99th birthday. That’s right–this is the new 99! She has just walked down the steps on to the the lawn where her granddaughter will be married to the groom (on her right), in a service officiated by the woman on her left. Doesn’t she look like she’s dancing? Isn’t her outfit smashing? Can you believe her smile? You should hear her conversation. She is alive and vibrant. This is my definition of health. This is my dream for old age.

What might happen if we hold such an image in our consciousness right now, and ask to be informed about decisions we might make that will help this dream to come true? If we were consistent about it, I think that would have a tremendous influence over the result.

What do you think? What is your experience about the link between vibrancy, setting intentions and your health? Please comment!

Slowing down long enough to see

Friday, April 30th, 2010

speedAmong the many prophesies about these challenging times we are inhabiting, the Hopi have commented on how things will continue to speed up. And their advice? “When things speed up, slow down.”

Isn’t it true that when we do slow down, the days seem longer? When we were children, time went so slowly. As we grow older and accelerate our “progress,” time speeds up. Proof that time is relative.

And isn’t it true that right now everything seems accelerated? For me it seems harder to stay in touch with everyone on a deep level, in spite of all the social media. Lives are getting more challenging and complex. Things are speeding up.

All the mindful meditation practices encourage us to notice all the elements of this very moment. That is slowing down to the now. And when I do that, I can actually see where I am. See better what drives me, what delights me. See more clearly what action I’d like to take next.  See more wholly how I can serve.

What do you think about time? Is it running you? Are you “running” out of time? Or are you pausing, stepping out of time? Slowing down long enough to see and be?

Opening a door

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

opening the door

Are you a woman leader looking for affordable, practical tools for women at a crossroads? You already have a tool you can teach them that is absolutely free and accessible by birthright. Surprise! It’s the creative imagination!

You want tools of hope for women facing the gravity of life’s challenges, and what I’ve seen is the best approach to that is to show people how to let the creative imagination take flight. When you learn how to speak the language of metaphors, symbols and images, you are learning the language of the soul. When the woman who feels victimized by outer circumstances connects with her soul’s true power, a door opens. Are you willing to help her open that door?

The creative imagination has so many benefits, both for you and for those you serve.  Not only is it free, but the more you use it the more powerful it becomes. And, it’s easily accessible. Just try accessing it by looking at the photo above and then closing your eyes and seeing if you can “see” the image. Now allow the image to change. The woman with white hair appears to be helping the other woman open the door. Does she succeed? What happens next? What is inside that door?

The stories we tell in our creative imagination determine our reality. When we can expand what we see and shift the lens we use, our lives expand and change. This is a practice everyone can learn.

The final benefit is for you as a leader. People spend a lot of effort trying to step into a greater role as a woman leader, when often they could be better served by focusing on embodying their soul’s true power. That way they not only accelerate their progress, but they end up being authentic and able to connect in a deep way with others.

How do you open the door to your creative imagination? Nature is one great portal. Guided meditation. Poetry. What are your favorites?


Friday, April 2nd, 2010


Being is wide-hipped

and wide-lipped.

She is like honey spilled

all over myself

spreading, oozing, sticky, adhering

to all my persistent doing.

Gumming up the works,

widening my cells, opening my heart, expanding to connect with all.

Being is curious.

She follows each feeling, each perception

without having to do anything at all.

She listens and sees

by moving under the thought or feeling

and simply holding it,

being it. Knowing it.

And then the most curious thing something happens

without will.

Something occurs, just appears

and then there’s a bit of doing to be done.

Not out of effort, just out of responsiveness.

And Being says that’s all we have to do. Really.

Just fully be and see what occurs

and respond to that.

That’s all.

Good bye to the hard case of doing,

to the constricted determination,

to the marching and the gritting of teeth,

to the stridency, to the striving, to the pushing up hills.

Hello to the honey, my honey, who is Being.

To the Mother who holds the seed,

the womb of the stars,

to the One within me who has already done it all

who knows it

and who simply


Sand Spirit Two Minds

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010
Two minds

Two minds

What do you see in this image? I see a figure with two minds squeezed into one head. I guess, since the Sand Spirit I draw always reflects me, that I have two minds.

Of course this is true. I probably have more than two. But certainly living in a world of duality, I have two. One thinks everything should be logical, fit into categories and judged according to my criteria. (We could call that my left brain.) The other thinks everything is part of something else and that all things are connected, and looks for relationships and creative solutions. (We could call that my right brain.) This would be one way to describe my two minds. Are you aware that you have these both within you?

The Sand Spirit named Two Minds is telling me today that having two minds is actually fine, as long as I am conscious that I have them. Both logic and non-linear thought are helpful–both analytical and  feeling-oriented. When I’m in one, I don’t have the other, and so I’m missing something. But when I am aware of my two minds, I am inside a third one–an aware, awake one that can observe myself. This is what we are capable of as evolving humans–at least at certain moments.

What do you think about your own right and left brain capabilities? And what about the objective observer, the third mind? Are you aware that you can switch from one lens to another?

Try choosing an issue that challenges you and observing it from the viewpoint of these three minds and see if some new ideas or ways of approaching the problem emerge.

Has this Sand Spirit helped you?

Stalking beauty

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

banana tree trunkAs a photographer, I stalk light, but I also stalk color, form and everything that to me represents beauty.  Sometimes that means looking past something that is at first glance ugly or ordinary to find a new element I hadn’t see before.  That’s the reward: seeing something I hadn’t seen before.

California is host to so many interesting plants, and many of them seem, to a desert rat like me, downright tropical.  Like this banana tree.  I thought the trunk was a canvas full of a hundred abstract paintings. Here I’ve shared just one of them. I didn’t make it; I just documented it. Still, it was a discovery.  I found something I hadn’t seen before.  Something beautiful.

An easy version of a medicine walk is to just go out and stalk beauty. Go for a walk and look for something you haven’t noticed before that offers some kind of suprising beauty. Bring it back with you–in the form of a photograph or a remnant of nature, or perhaps just a mental image or a feeling inside.

Beauty is an antidote for all that is troubling today, and so it is medicine for the soul. There is even a life path that the Navajos call the Beauty Way. Walking with beauty before you, behind you, beneath you, above you, inside you. What a way to live!

How do you stalk beauty in your world? And how do you make sure you bring iit with you on your journey? Send your comments!

Fuel for the Journey

Saturday, February 20th, 2010


What gives you fuel for your life journey? If you’ve seen my website, blog page and gallery, you already know that one source of fuel for me is photography. I love immersing myself in the study of light and the continuous discovery of how light reveals the ever-changing forms in nature.

Looking at this agave plant makes me think of other things that fuel me: a refreshing rainstorm; the healing touch of softness against my skin; the depth of the mysteries hidden among the events of my life; and the beauty of the contrast of light and dark within myself and my life. These things along with sitting with husband and our dog and cat by a fire; riding our horses out into the vast desert garden outside our house; reading to my small grandchildren; watching my daughters bloom as powerful women; and a glass of good red wine. And the list goes on.

If you’re making your own mental list now, check to see if you visit this list often enough. I love making art, but I don’t do it often enough. Playing piano and singing have delighted me all my life–so why have I stopped? When we don’t drink from the well, we begin to wither and become dry and brittle. We begin to mistake duty for real life and to cling to a mythical future time when we’ll live, instead of plunging in right now.

What makes your eyes light up?  What brings you alive? What stirs the god or goddess within? What makes your heart beat a little faster? These things fuel the life force inside–the creative power that causes us to truly feel and be alive. So what will you choose today as fuel–so that tomorrow you’ll spring out of bed feeling grateful for the journey?

A Sand Spirit’s Healing Message

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010
Sand Spirit Insight card #4

Sand Spirit Insight card #4

I’m continuing my experiment of asking a question about a personal issue of mine, and then thinking of a number between 1 and 36, since that’s how many Sand Spirit Insight cards there are in the set. Today I asked about my lingering laryngitis.  What do I need to know or do to get completely well?

Two numbers came to mind: 31 and 4.  Interesting, since 4 is the sum of  3 and 1—so 4 seems to be up with this issue. The section on numerology and the Sand Spirits in my own workbook lists these words for the number 4:  Work, foundation, order, health, service, practicality, application, loyalty, struggle against limtis, steady growth, rigidity and repression. Some words having to do with the light side of me and some referring to the shadow.

The Sand Spirit image looks like a guardian angel to me, and always makes me feel I am surrounded by protection and support.  That’s a comfort. So I ask this angelic advisor, what words apply to me now, and what can I do to improve my health and my immune system?

The Sand Spirit points out that there’s a whole back story here about me not wanting to slow down, fighting limitations, not listening to my inner voice, and suffering health issues as a result. But I’ve been working on this. So now what?

“Still more layers,” she answers. “Loyalty…to others or to yourself? You’re still making your way toward equality in this department. Be willing to slow even more. Be very practical. You want to serve, and that is great. But some of your own needs are still being repressed.  Look for them in your body…”

“So, would you say this has to do with speaking up for myself, or feeling I have no voice to do that?” I ask.

“Remember the little one at the bottom of the image who is the younger, smaller you?” the Sand Spirit asks. “You need to be her guardian angel and prompt her to speak up for herself. She needs to feel equal to the aspects of yourself you consider more worthy, more together, more of an achiever. When you accept the shadow as equal to the light, all will be well.”

And so, once again, the Sand Spirit has more wisdom that I know how to live out. So I am off to give that a try.

What did you see in this Sand Spirit image? What message does the figure have for you today?