Archive for the ‘spring’ Category


Friday, April 2nd, 2010


Being is wide-hipped

and wide-lipped.

She is like honey spilled

all over myself

spreading, oozing, sticky, adhering

to all my persistent doing.

Gumming up the works,

widening my cells, opening my heart, expanding to connect with all.

Being is curious.

She follows each feeling, each perception

without having to do anything at all.

She listens and sees

by moving under the thought or feeling

and simply holding it,

being it. Knowing it.

And then the most curious thing something happens

without will.

Something occurs, just appears

and then there’s a bit of doing to be done.

Not out of effort, just out of responsiveness.

And Being says that’s all we have to do. Really.

Just fully be and see what occurs

and respond to that.

That’s all.

Good bye to the hard case of doing,

to the constricted determination,

to the marching and the gritting of teeth,

to the stridency, to the striving, to the pushing up hills.

Hello to the honey, my honey, who is Being.

To the Mother who holds the seed,

the womb of the stars,

to the One within me who has already done it all

who knows it

and who simply


Your blooming

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010
the poppy trail

the poppy trail

What is spring if it isn’t about new life? And why not new life with wild abandon, with an abundance that makes you laugh out loud? This time Spring has really done it in Tucson.

I couldn’t walk this path through Catalina State Park without wanting to sing, to howl, to do cartwheels!  We aren’t in Kansas any more. And how many times do we get experiences that are simply amazing, pure surprise and joy?

We are beings evolving as surely as this desert meadow. And so we contain the same life force that produced that riot of poppies, so close to each other that they are touching. We have the blooms within us.

And what is it that contributes to our blooming? Certainly timing and the right conditions. But unlike the poppies, we aren’t completely dependent on rain and sun. We can nourish ourselves. We are conscious. We can choose to align with the life force that pushes up through our bodies, erupting in a blaze of color and beauty.

What do you do to nourish the blooming within you? How do you give yourself the moisture, the flow of nourishment you need? How do you summon the sun, the light you need for life to be sustained?

Just as I felt high just from poppies without opium, you can have ecstatic experiences every day just by venturing into nature–outside and within your own being.

Bloom on.

Winter Remembers the Spring

Sunday, February 28th, 2010


I walk out into the desert’s winter, watching for signs.

The blonde brittle grasses part, giving me a glimpse of apple green beneath.

The hard ground softens for ants wakening to build spring mounds.

Black broken trees play dead, but tell me the sap is rising like warm honey in their limbs.

The mountains’ sprinkling of sugar pours down into liquid in the washes.

Wildflowers are plotting from deep within their seeds, imagining their riot.

And I thrill to the feel of my heart widening into the sweet flow of breath within.

The land is remembering me into new life.