Sand Spirit Two Minds

Two minds

Two minds

What do you see in this image? I see a figure with two minds squeezed into one head. I guess, since the Sand Spirit I draw always reflects me, that I have two minds.

Of course this is true. I probably have more than two. But certainly living in a world of duality, I have two. One thinks everything should be logical, fit into categories and judged according to my criteria. (We could call that my left brain.) The other thinks everything is part of something else and that all things are connected, and looks for relationships and creative solutions. (We could call that my right brain.) This would be one way to describe my two minds. Are you aware that you have these both within you?

The Sand Spirit named Two Minds is telling me today that having two minds is actually fine, as long as I am conscious that I have them. Both logic and non-linear thought are helpful–both analytical and  feeling-oriented. When I’m in one, I don’t have the other, and so I’m missing something. But when I am aware of my two minds, I am inside a third one–an aware, awake one that can observe myself. This is what we are capable of as evolving humans–at least at certain moments.

What do you think about your own right and left brain capabilities? And what about the objective observer, the third mind? Are you aware that you can switch from one lens to another?

Try choosing an issue that challenges you and observing it from the viewpoint of these three minds and see if some new ideas or ways of approaching the problem emerge.

Has this Sand Spirit helped you?

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