Posts Tagged ‘procrastination’

Sand Spirit #1 speaks about procrastination

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

I haven’t blogged in a long time. Not sure what the block has been about it, but these things happen. So in order to take action, I drew a Sand Spirit Card. Let’s see what it has to say about procrastination and blocks:

What I see in this photograph is a holy-looking figure wearing a robe and holding its hands in prayer. (Is that what you see?) Below it is a smaller figure. I’ll talk to the larger one.  Who are you? I ask it.

I am a representation of your higher self, talking to your ‘lower’ or more materially-oriented self.”

And what do you have to say to my smaller or lower self about procrastination? I ask.

“First, it’s normal. We all are changing all the time, and sometimes during periods of transition we cannot stick to our old routines. So, just forgive yourself and move on when this happens.

Second, when you realize that you’re motivated to begin, or at least dissatisfied with your waiting, just dive in. Beginning is at least half the battle.

Thirdly, have faith that all the prayers you offer about being able to be more of your real self, about contributing to the world and about manifesting more wisdom…all these prayers are heard, and their answers have perhaps been percolating during your hiatus. So consider the possibility that even your procrastination has served a purpose.”

Wow. OK, I answer. I feel relieved, and grateful for this wisdom. Thank you, Sand Spirit.

Now it’s your turn. What do you think about these three comments about procrastination and blocks? Are they true for you? If so, how will you apply them?

And what do you see in this Sand Spirit image? I look forward to a dialogue with you!