Joining our Community

Can you live a spiritual life and still succeed in this complex world?

Are you a first-time visitor to this site? You might be wondering what kind of “different lens” I’m offering. Will it be “woo-woo?” Religious? Impractical?

Well, I hope not any of those. I imagine you, like most of us, need tips for leading your life with more ease, and could use tools for bringing more love and peace into work, relationships and health issues…on a practical level. Because that’s how spiritual issues show up for us humans—right in the middle of our slightly messy lives!

If you’d like to see whether our approach is helpful for you, I invite you to fill out the form below. I’ll send you a “Flying Lessons” kit with some fun, practical tools for your life, based on the metaphor of flight and the material in my book, Flying Lessons: How to Be the Pilot of Your Own Life.

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Every few weeks you’ll get my newsletter in your inbox. I write an article focused on a life challenge,, and put in my photos, which I hope will brighten your day. I frame the issue with a metaphor or a story that will allow you to relate, and gain something that might help you live your life with more ease, joy, depth and meaning. All by seeing that issue “through a different lens.”

The newsletter will also contain products and offers of mine—such as online or live events. And, it will have my calendar in it, so that if I’m in your geographic area, you’ll know I’m coming. It has links to blogs I write every week. (You can subscribe to one right here.) You’ll get book recommendations and inspirational quotes —put together in a beautiful way, so that hopefully you’ll want to open that email every time it comes. It will be a little treat that might even arrive just on the perfect day.

I’ll send you occasional additional updates about special events, or I will send you an article. But I will not flood your inbox. I know what that’s like.

If you need to know more first, there are a couple of pages you can open that will tell you more about whom I can help and how my approach works.

 “My life is full of activities and ‘to do’ checklists. With great anticipation, the one place I regularly go to refresh my spirit is Pam’s newsletter. My body breathes more naturally, my heart slows its racing pace, and my soul is fed.”

Marsha Dawe, CO

“I find myself always looking forward to Pam’s latest newsletter. There is a certain curiosity and quest in her writing–she is a seeker of truth, compassion and beauty. Through Pam’s teachings I have found balance, truth and healing.”

Kitty Dillavou, CA


I’m Pam Hale, founder of Through A Different Lens. I’ve been working with people in behalf of healing and transformation for 50 years, believe it or not! My work has evolved a lot, and I’ve been working with shamanic and spiritual practices since 2000—so I know what works.

Put your name and email in the form below, and you’ll get heart-centered, spiritual tools and inspiration delivered to you every two weeks. And as a thank you, you’ll receive a “Flying Lessons” tool kit, with a chapter from my book, a dipstick for measuring your inner fuel, and an aerial photo you can print out and even frame.

I will never share, rent, sell or trade your information without your consent—and you will always be able to unsubscribe if needed.

FORM: First name, last name, email address, picture of Flying Lessons. With SIGN UP HERE button.

Links to Is This You? and to How I Work