
I’d love to hear from you!

If you were in my consultation room, I’d offer you tea, light a candle, and we might take off our shoes and take a deep breath. I’d really drop into my heart and listen to you on a deep level.

Maybe you have a quick, practical question. If so, fire away! Unless I’m traveling somewhere off the grid, you’ll hear back from me within 48 hours. I’m a sole practitioner and often spend time at our cabin in the mountains with no internet–so please understand if you don’t hear anything right away.

Or maybe you have a deeper question that really requires a personal conversation. Know that I offer a complementary 20-minute phone conversation if we’ve never worked together, so just let me know if you’d like one of those. I never push for you to sign up to work with me–we just explore whether my work would be a good fit for you, and I let you know what working with me would be like and how long your goal might take to achieve.

Don’t be shy, now–I love feedback. It helps me help you.

Fill out the contact form below, or pick up the phone.

[contact-form 1 “Contact form 1”]

Through a Different Lens

13830 N. Sutherland Tail

Tucson, AZ 85739
